Monday, May 23, 2011

My Desert Journey

I set out on a Desert Journey
 through a Threshold
to see the places where my life cracks open
and I stand exposed

Questions and answers swirled about me
 challenging me

What do I accept as Truth in my life?

I found myself at a crossroads
... literally....

As a desert 'cross' appeared before me
illuminated for my eyes alone

I saw that the road I walk in my daily life
 is represented by this 'cross'....
(ancient sunlight on Chaco Canyon ruins)

It's all about living and walking
fully engaged with the Mystery
not knowing, or caring,
what comes next

 Diving headfirst
into what lies below the surface
and pausing...

 listening for
Spirit's soft response

and receiving back

"The more you open your heart, the wider the opening through which I can come."

and then, just as quickly,
another gift was given...

A 'secret' heart, 
created by the forces of nature,
reminding me that

No matter where I go
Love is already there waiting for me

Happy Trails
to one and all
